Meet the people behind this dream called ETUS

Here the #dreamTeam is real
Meet the


Alberto André

Alberto André


Alberto André began his entrepreneurial life on the streets, where he was not only exposed to different realities, but also developed his resilience and perseverance, traits that proved important throughout his entrepreneurial life. Alberto was always a technology enthusiast, but after losing his father at a young age, his family faced serious financial problems and he could not afford to buy a computer. Determined to pursue his dreams, Alberto André envisioned the possibility of having more contact with technology if he pursued a career in computer repair, and while fixing computers, he learned more and more about his passion. Throughout his career, Alberto André worked in various fields, but in digital marketing, he truly found his calling and passion. He experienced firsthand the problems of lack of inclusion and financial education, and founded ETUS with the dream of increasing inclusion and financial education in Brazil through digital marketing.

Eric Jorge

Eric Jorge


Alberto André começou sua vida de empreendedor nas ruas, onde não apenas foi exposto a diferentes realidades, mas também desenvolveu sua resiliência e perseverança. Características que se provaram essenciais ao longo da jornada empreendedora. Fanático por tecnologia, Alberto vislumbrou a possibilidade de trabalhar na área como técnico de informática. Começou a consertar computadores e no tempo livre aprendia programação, criava sites e expandia seu conhecimento em projetos paralelos. Alberto experimentou em primeira mão os problemas da falta de inclusão e educação financeira, e fundou a ETUS com o sonho de aumentar a inclusão e educação financeira no Brasil através do Marketing Digital.

Wanderson Santos

Wanderson Santos


Wanderson was born on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte and had contact with entrepreneurship from an early age. His parents owned a bakery and he always helped the family. Years passed, Wanderson developed and built a solid career in finance and tax management. He worked in the graphic, food and administrative management sectors. He co-founded ETUS with André and Eric to pursue their shared vision of a more financially inclusive Brazil.

Our board

Fundamental pillars that support the structure of the company, and through their strategic decisions, are capable of transforming the future of the organization.